About the Loma Vista PTO

The Loma Vista Parent Teacher Organization is dedicated to creating opportunities that enhance your child's education at Loma Vista. We work with parents and faculty to organize and facilitate events and programs both during and after school hours that enrich our children's educational experiences, while also building a stronger community. 

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Frequently Asked Questions

If you are interested in helping or have additional questions, please contact PTO President Carly Lawson at president@lomavistapto.org

What does the PTO do for the school?

Our community of parents serves the teachers and students of Loma Vista by supporting our diverse array of enrichment programs. 

Some of the programs the PTO helps support include: 100 Mile Club, Art & Music, Father-Daughter Dance, Mother-Son Bingo, Mother-Daughter Zumba, Skate Night, Family Paint Night, Virtual Family Bake Night, Astronomy Night, Variety Show, Field Trips, and much more.

What do I have to do to join?

Nothing! It costs absolutely nothing to be a member. If you have a child attending Loma Vista, you are automatically a member of the PTO. 

And it's not just for moms, either -- we love to have dads, grandparents, aunts, uncles and anyone who cares about Loma Vista Elementary and its students. 

Can I be a member and work full time? 

Yes! Many of our members hold a full or part time jobs. There are a variety of ways for both stay-at-home and working parents to help the PTO.

Your time and talents are valuable assets – each of them enhances and enriches our efforts. You can volunteer in the classroom, serve on a committee, do administrative work from home, solicit corporate donations, provide in-kind services …the possibilities are endless.

Why should I serve on the PTO Board?

1. Your child feels a sense of pride to know that his/her parent holds an office.
2. You get to meet and work with wonderful people.
3. You stay updated and informed on what is going on at our school.
4. You can more effectively suggest change at our school.
5. Everyone has different strengths, talents and something unique to offer our school and our children!

Does it take a lot of time?

Yes and no--it depends on the position. Some duties can be performed from home and some require your presence at the school. Some positions are seasonal, while others require some effort for most of the year. Some positions work well if you decide to do them with a friend. Explore which position would be right for you. The time you donate to actively participate in your child's school is time well spent. It shows our children that we care about what they do every day.

Don't my property taxes already pay for my child's public school education?

The state of California does not fully fund the comprehensive education our families have come to expect at Loma Vista. In fact, there is a gap between what the state provides and the cost of educating each student to our higher standards. Continued cutbacks to education at the state level make our schools even more dependent on parent and corporate donations to bridge this gap.

Who decides how donations are spent? 

PTO Board members, in conjunction with the principal and staff members, meet regularly to assess students’ needs and decide how to best allocate the resources for the benefit of every child. As a PTO member, you’re welcome to attend monthly meetings.

I wrote a check last year - isn't that enough?

Unfortunately, it’s not. Raising money becomes even more critical as the cost of quality education exceeds available funds. We depend on annual donations from parents, families, and community members to fund the curriculum and activities you’ve come to expect at Loma Vista. Every contribution is meaningful and is used to construct the educational building blocks that secure a successful future for our children.